A non-residential retreat for busy people, located in northeast Seattle in Work With Grace's headquarters (a cute office and cozy gathering space in Lake Forest Park). Limited to 10 people only.
Next Intensive: June 12-15, 2025
Thurs 7-9pm - Sunday Noon
“Hurt feelings or discomfort of any kind cannot be caused by another person. No one outside you can hurt you. That’s not possible. Only when you believe a story about them can you be hurt. So you’re the one who’s hurting yourself. This is very good news, because it means that you don’t have to get someone else to stop hurting you or to change in any way. You’re the one who can stop hurting you. You’re the only one.” ~ Byron Katie in A Mind At Home With Itself
Join Grace Bell, long-time facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie in the private, beautiful space in Lake Forest Park in her back yard cozy office.
We'll dig into the stories and thoughts causing upset, and question them using the four questions and turnarounds known as The Work of Byron Katie.
You'll practice entering the natural space where you know you are complete, whole, and just right as you are. A place beyond a frantic mind...beyond belief.
What do you think and believe that leads you to conclude you are somehow defective? Could you be mistaken?
When we question our stressful stories together, you receive inspiration from others, insight, and a true connection--mostly to yourself.
Beginners to Experienced in The Work of Byron Katie or any form of self-inquiry all are welcome.
For those who Come From Away: we can help with airbnb's or hotels nearby if you need accommodation. Write grace@workwithgrace.com to ask for recommendations and our retreat location so you can map nearby places that suit you.
You will be responsible for your own meals and food (LOTS of choices within walking distance including groceries) as well as your travel and accommodation.
Intensive Schedule:
All materials provided. Bring a journal if you have one and like writing in one (not required).
We can all find freedom and discover a wisdom in our own experience.
"Hello Grace, I wanted to send you a heartfelt thank you for all your help at the retreat. Your presence and insightful comments were absolutely amazing. Between your help and the community--it had an astonishing impact on me. Everything that bothered me before is gone. Yes, gone. I can hardly believe it. I am no longer angry and for the first time since my partner's death I could unabashedly feel his love and presence. And the hopelessness has been replaced with the joy I used to feel. Thank you!!!🥰 " ~ All my best, D
"Grace is lovely. Willing, receptive, welcoming to it all. She lives The Work." ~ Laurie
"I know that speaking shame is the way to help it have less power, but to experience this around food and body was profound. It all worked for me, the content was just what I needed. Grace is amazing, She was able to meet each person just as they are." ~ Emily
© 2023 WORK WITH GRACE/EATING PEACE All Rights Reserved