Eating Peace Workshop

Eating Peace Workshop Grand Challenge






March 19th, 20th, 21st, 2025

DAILY NOON - 1PM PT (Seattle)

3-4PM ET (New York)

7-8PM UK (Ireland)*time zone change

8-9PM CET (Paris)*time zone change

"I am writing you to thank you on behalf on my husband and myself for the Intensive on Eating Peace you provided. Something definitely shifted for both of us. My husband has changed his diet, walks 3 times a day after every meal and has been happily losing weight. He is even planning to run a 5K with his nephew--all this after his having difficulty walking any distance at all!

I have been living from my practice of the statement "I am fulfilled" and noticing the weight dropping off naturally, and have also been walking and focusing on eating in a more supportive way. Having weight and eating as No Issue was my original intention in doing the course, and that is truly what is showing up.

Thank you, thank you for the work you do, and continue to share with us. We love you! ~ K & E


🍽️ Struggling with Emotional Eating? Uncover the Hidden Reasons You Eat 🍽️

If you’ve felt trapped in the endless cycle of bingeing, restricting, obsessing over food, or battling cravings—you’re not alone. If you've tried numerous programs, diets, nutritionists, meetings, and it hasn't "worked" then you may love taking this short 3-day workshop to end the reasons you eat. You know what to do, what to eat, and how to eat it....but something drives you to eating in a way that doesn't work. THAT iss what this workshop addresses. The pull, the craving, the endless failure.

Freedom is possible. And it doesn’t involve willpower, dieting, or more rules and effort to control. Fighting our cravings is so uncomfortable, and doesn't really work.

Diving deeper into the middle of the battle, to understand what's really happening when we crave, want, grab, OR refuse, diet, prevent is the way to end the internal wars and uncover eating peace. We'll take a look together to use our off-balance eating behaviors to investigate, and find resolution.

🌟 Join the 3-Day Eating Peace Mini-Workshop 🌟

In three sessions, you’ll gain a new perspective on food, eating, and yourself. This isn’t another “how to control your eating” workshop, or a discussion of nutrition or dietary skills—this is about creating deep, lasting peace with food from the inside out, from your own built-in energy and wisdom.

Here’s what we’ll explore together:

🔹 Day 1 – Find Clarity and Understanding in the Place You Least Expect It: Right in the Middle of this Off-Balance Behavior called Emotional or Compulsive Eating
→ If you talked to all parts of yourself involved in food, eating and body image, it might sound like a crazy committee of opposing voices, all frightened, disappointed or aggressive. We’ll notice what's happening that may be hidden, and learn how to use Byron Katie's powerful approach to self-inquiry. You don't need to have an instant insight. You can trust the answer to appear when it's time.

🔹 Day 2 – The One Question That Helps Most of All+Discovering A Tiny Recipe Made Just For You
→ Learn the most powerful question to ask when it occurs to you to eat off-balance and learn a simple recipe simple (based on the Tiny Habits method) to reshape your daily relationship with your thinking and your eating, and most importantly when "eating" or "avoiding eating" appears as something you MUST DO.

🔹 Day 3 – Eating Peace: The Skill You Need for Change
→ The emotional weight of eating struggles is painful and "heavy". We’ll explore how to listen to the voices burdened with guilt, shame, and lack of forgiveness to access curiosity, compassion and relate more clearly to your inner world, so you can walk in a world with food without attacking or feeling attacked.

💡 This is for you if:
✔️ You’ve tried everything to change the way you eat, and change your body.
✔️ You want to stop emotional or stress eating by understanding it and putting it out of a job.
✔️ You’re open to a completely different way of looking at food, your body, yourself, and LIFE.

📅 Dates: March 19, 20, & 21
⏰ Time: 12 PM - 1 PM Pacific | 3 PM - 4 PM Eastern | 8 PM - 9 PM Central European
💰 Cost: $17-$37 sliding scale
📍 Where: Live online (Replay available)

🧡 No guilt. No shame. Just a fresh approach with Eating, and Life.

Ready to shift the way you experience food forever? Click below to sign up!

Let’s do this together. 💛

#EatingPeace #MindfulEating #SelfInquiry #EmotionalEating #FoodFreedom

"I am content doing the thing in front of me, since my mind doesn't conflict with what I do. It has no reason to; there are no beliefs that would get in the way." ~ Byron Katie

  • Day 1: FINDING CLARITY AND UNDERSTANDING IN THE MESS. When we eat off-balance, there are often many good reasons we do it. But we suffer and see ourselves as broken, wrong, and missing something. We are complicated creatures. Being human, there are many moods, facets and unique experiences all colliding together to form the way we eat. Seeing and respecting all parts of ourselves can begin to relax our fear, and allow an identity shift within us to occur; something already present, but hidden. A new identity emerges when we're curious and see why we've been eating or obsessing about food or weight loss. A loving identity that is also powerful and clear. An empowered eating state is not as difficult and impossible as we *think*.
  • Day 2: EXPLORING OUR INNER LIVES THROUGH INQUIRY. Most changes and support we've tried to adopt for balancing our eating has involved enormous changes in eating; eliminating whole food groups, following recipes and plans, adding exercise routines, forcing or managing our cravings. In Eating Peace, we create small, tiny mindset changes that allow us to question our thinking. Supporting yourself with tiny recipes made just for you and setting up small, doable, kind changes you can manage without willpower or force. These small tiny habit shifts come in to support us, and don't require huge insighT.
  • Day 3: SHAME, GUILT and FORGIVENESS. We're told to be forgiving and kind, and yet it seems almost impossible when it comes to ourselves (and sometimes to others). Instead, we've been overwhelmed or plagued by feelings of confusion, guilt, anger, and shame about our off-balanced eating behavior. We'll look at the efforts our psyche and hearts have been making when using guilt or shame to motivate, and see how we can bring compassion to our experience of being human and to more easily drop the knife of self-attack and despair. We'll see what thoughts we need to question to overcome this predicament with food, eating and body image, and how to continue doing this on our own.

When you enroll, you'll be added to the participant list and will receive access to all the recordings of the live sessions all on zoom. This is intentionally kept small so you will receive personal attention (if you want or need it). It is also OK to sign up and only watch the recordings instead of coming live.

On Day 3 anyone who wishes to stay at the end for Q&A about the Eating Peace Experience Program starting April 1st may do so (not required).

Enroll Now for as low as $17 (sliding scale)
Suggested sustainable fee $37



Grace Bell, therapist, long-time facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie, and student of eating war and peace, supports people returning to their own inherently peaceful nature with the flow of food in and out of their experience.

You'll learn how to turn in a new direction from the approaches to change which are usually:

  • 1) hunt for more information,
  • 2) do it alone,
  • 3) suppress or try to avoid the pain.

Instead, we'll draw from leading evidence-based behavior change and self-inquiry to make a tiny shift and notice how to be with it, peacefully.

Everyone will identify their aspiration, identify what is truly possible for you (according to your own awareness of yourself) and make this shift from Day 1. There is no pass or fail, there is no grading....there will be learning, awareness and clarity around what is blocking you.

You'll experience an easy change, and dive into inquiry when the mind is interfering with your peace. We're not fighting the mind, we're befriending it with care and attention. We're bringing understanding to our impulses.

The format of this workshop experiential for understanding how to work with mind, feelings and self-sabotage behavior, with group participation on zoom.

People are free to attend camera on, or off (although you're encouraged to turn it on and be as present as possible, and share yourself with us).

This 3-day eating peace mini-workshop will help you understand your brain, change how you respond to difficult feelings, and give you the baseline you need to become someone who eats like a normal person without eating issues....

So you don’t have to worry about how you’re going to approach (and fail again) this eating, food and/or weight concern.

We'll make the one small tiny shift or change in our behavior that helps us see things differently.

And you’ll have hope, enthusiasm, and support for your eating peace journey....

The investment is minimal compared to "eating peace experience" tuition or other workshops and programs: a sliding scale starting at $17. (Suggested amount is $37).You choose what you can contribute.

Over the past several years I’ve taught eating peace retreats, eating peace immersion programs, eating peace 8-week courses, and worked with literally hundreds and hundreds of people seeking peace with their eating.

Many, many students have found a new way of seeing themselves and how they eat and discovered their own path to freedom with food.

Every one of them came because they were frustrated with themselves, and they had tried just about every solution known to humankind to end their eating pain, and while some worked awhile, they’d eventually get thrown off-track by their thinking or their feelings while navigating life with food.

In this 3-Day Eating Peace Mini-Workshop I work with you to identify the beliefs that fuel your eating, create a tiny habit to support you shifting your behaviors with food, help you see how you’re reacting to and being with difficult feelings in a way that doesn't really work for you, and help you shift to eating peace instead of eating wars.

One lesson and exercise a day for 3 days.

Because let’s face it.

There are hundreds of programs that help you lose weight, count calories, get a fitness app, eat correctly the “right” amounts or get off sugar or train you in the gym.

Follow them, and they work most of the time.

But we’re looking for a mindset shift, something fundamental that alters how we're thinking, believing and feeling about food (and life), so that all those apps, diets and details are no longer a stressful event, or in many cases, no longer necessary.

At least that was the case for me.

I wanted to just be myself, to be normal, eat freely in response to the body, and to be someone not obsessed with this problem.

Even if you’ve understood that what you need is an attitude adjustment, you still don’t know how to adopt that new attitude.

I understand that frustration.

By the end of the workshop my goal is you will have a new way to be with your eating troubles in the present that allows your mind to relax, and the sense that you can achieve eating peace YOUR way. Others have experienced this shift.

Fear not, I will still be guiding and giving you the golden nuggets that were revealed for me around my eating behavior.

The most important thing, I discovered, is that I had inside myself someone who is balanced and relaxed with eating, and for whom worries about over-ing or under-ing with food is no longer even a thing.

I believe this is true about everyone, and that you’re born this way. Everything got too noisy to remember who you are in certain situations.

So this is not something you need worry about "if this will work for me" when it comes to opening your mind, dissolving shame, and becoming aware of your own internal resources for healing and eating peace.

You will have a sense of what to "do" to reach your greatest desires with eating.

If all of this sounds good for this next 3-day adventure March 19-21, 2025 from Noon-1pm Pacific Time each day....join us. Only 3 days.

All sessions will be recorded so if you need to miss any part of the workshop, you can watch what you miss later. (And you'll have lifetime access to the recordings).

"Grace is lovely. Willing, receptive, welcoming to it all. She lives The Work." ~ Laurie

"The underlying current of negative thoughts about myself surrounding food, weight and diet became clearer to me--particularly through the writing and meal exercises. Grace is phenomenal. She makes the retreat a 10/10; no matter what made me uncomfortable her energy and presence made it a safe environment. Her guidance and sharing of her experience were invaluable." ~ Participant Retreat

"I know that speaking shame is the way to help it have less power, but to experience this around food and body was profound. It all worked for me, the content was just what I needed. Grace is amazing, She was able to meet each person just as they are." ~ Emily